Easy by Bouquet are 100% fresh fruit and vegetables cooked in a traditional way, just like
homemade food: law in salt and rich in nutrients.
These are solutions adapted to modern times that we have baptised under the Express Slow Food concept:
100% natural products, ready-to-eat and based on traditional and healthy slow cooking,
for a consumer with lttle time to cook on a day-to-day basis.

Easy by Bouquet
Bouquet is the flagship brand of Anecoop, a second-tier cooperative made up of 73 Spanish cooperatives and agricultural companies, with more than 22,000 associated farmers.
In other words, a “large cooperative of cooperatives”.

What do these figures mean?
That we are producers, and we grow seasonal fruit and vegetables. That we control and manage the entire processing chain. Our professional teams take care of the product from farm to fork.
All Bouquet branded products are directly connected to the raw material.
The fruit and vegetables marketed under the Bouquet brand comply with the four cornerstones that define our Corporate Social Responsibility:
- To encourage healthy eating habits
- To guarantee the food safety of our products
- To respect the environment and to conserve natural resources.
- To create social economy projects
Working according to our principles, with the guarantee of a large social company fully committed to people, helps us to pursue our main goal every single day: to grow the future.

Because you value the quality and origin of the raw materials and the way they are cooked.

The solution for your lifestyle.
Slow Food for your Express life.

What if you also avoid food waste?